Despite the judges best efforts to sway the vote, despite the labels of "best Idol contestant ever" and everyone’s apparent willingness to go along with it and crown him Jesus, Adam Lambert couldn’t close the deal.
Never in eight years of watching this retched program, have I seen the deck so stacked in favor of one contestant like it was for Adam Lambert.
Both contestants picked their best song to do and both brought their A-game, but Simon awarded round 1 to Kris …
Then, for song 2, they give Kris an untouchable Marvin Gaye song that’s way out of his range and he actually did a real admirable job of spinning it, making it contemporary and putting his own stamp on it. Still, round 2 went to Adam. And admittedly, he probably was better, but he wasn’t “a million times better,” as Simon was sure to hammer home...
After the 3rd song, on which Adam was really quite awful, all 4 judges actually came up with a different way to say, “Well Kris, you sung that song better, which is 2 out of 3, but we still think Adam should win.”
The fix is still in on the results night finale. The blockbuster duets have Kris paired with country star, Keith Urban who, I guess an A-list artist, and they did sound good. But he didn’t get the star treatment of bronze medalist, Danny Gokey, who got top sing a medley with Lionel Richie … Lionel Richie! And he certainly doesn’t rate with the likes of Adam, who got to close the show by putting on a full-blown rock concert with KISS. And as if that wasn’t enough of a ploy to convince people that Adam was going to win and that glam rock could still be cool, the producers throw in Queen for good measure. Mike Siciliano, pool participant and former guest-blogger, had this to say:
“I know everyone thinks Lambert is so current and he is .... if it's 1979. Last night was the perfect example, he would've been great as the lead singer of KISS. I'll even give him high marks as the lead singer of an 80's hair band. But nobody listens to that music anymore. There is a reason Warrent aren't playing sold out shows anymore. Lambert might be a Freddie Mercury clone but he died like 20 years ago. Gokey has the same problem. He would've been great in 1983 singing on the soundtrack to the Arthur movies with Michael MacDonald. But music is different now.”
And YES, I was surprised…
And YES, I’m 400 words in and I’m still talking about the guy who didn’t win…
And YES, I’m gloating like an 11-year-old who’s just won the fifth grade Jeopardy tournament and is parading around the room while his opponent, know-it-all smarty-pants Megan Lynch – who had more than triple my-er his score but decided to bet it all on final Jeopardy, sits devastated at the front of the assembly room … what? … where was I? ...
Oh yeah. What can I say, Adam Lambert really brings out the hater in me. I’ve been waiting for this since week one.
And yet, perpetual underdog Kris Allen – the guy I actually picked to go out in week one – is our new American Idol!
Well, my weeks of Lambert-hating finally paid off but they didn’t help me in the pool. And they also didn’t hurt our pool winner, who had Adam picked to win.
This is the 6th Annual IDOL Pool and it’s the 3rd time that no one picked the winner. But it may be the first time in IDOL Pool history that no one even picked the eventual champ to reach the finals. The Swami-forcasted Gokey elimination before the finals, coupled with some stellar picking in the middle rounds led our pool winner to victory.
It is my great honor to award the 2009, Season 8, IDOL Pool Championship to … JOANNE TRAHAN
Congratulations, and shame on us all for watching this rubbish 2 nights a week for the last 12+ weeks a year for the last 8 years.
Until next year …
Swami out!
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