Four contestants remain, the Davids, Seyesha, and Jason Castro (who I can't seem to get off a first-name-last-name-basis with). Props to our Idol Pool pickers who did a pretty good job of picking winners. Each of the remaining contestants was picked as a winner by someone in our pool. But how many have a legitimate shot? This guy says only two. We've seen some surprises this season but I can't imagine not seeing an all-David finals.
David Archuletta has shown signs of weakness lately, and I've failed as a writer if I haven't expressed my own personal bias against the 17-year-old wunderkind but he's been steamrolling since week one and we shouldn't expect that to change now, especially with all of Brooke White's sweet-votes up for grabs. David Cook has been the competition's most unique performer and looks to have a promising career regardless of what happens in the next few weeks. But is he getting the votes? I generally (and completely unscientifically) think that most voters are teeny-boppers and Moms. Alterni-pop teens who are fans of bands like My Chemical Romance and Death Cab for Cutie should eat up D.C. but I have to think that the other David has the Miley Cyrus crowd locked down.
So how about the underdogs? Do Jason Castro or Seyesha stand a chance? Seyesha has made a few appearances in the bottom 3 and most (at least in our pool) picked her to go out long before Carly or Brooke. And yet, she remains the only girl left in the competition. That has to be good for something doesn't it? Jason Castro is a real unknown. Most people think he would have been long gone but his sheepish grin and shoulder-shrug attitude has obviously captured people. If it were up to me I'd want a Castro-Cook finals but, since I refuse to actively participate in TV by voting , it is clearly not up to me.
Since I'm one of several people who could lose the pool despite picking the winner, I've been hesitant to do the math. The lead piled on by Wilcz and Jeff in the early rounds might be insurmountable, even if Archuletta doesn't win it all. But, for the sake of down-to-the-wire excitement, the remaining Pool contenders can be divided into 4 camps.
Camp Archuletta - If you're going to pick the favorite, you better be good in the early rounds. over half the entries had Archuletta as their winner but Wilcz's early success and a supporting cast of David Cook in his final 2 will make him a lock ahead of all the other Archuletta-lovers out there.
Camp Cooke - As the lone camper here at Camp Cook Ben P.will take great pride in seeing D.C. win it all (sorry, had to slip into the 3rd person for a sec. so I could bold my own name). But I should have hedged my bet with the other David in the finals. Instead, the red mark over Carly Smithson's name will likely be my undoing.
Camp Seyeha - Brady has been a big Seyesha supporter all year but the only one brave enough to pick her was Cheryl M. The early rounds were tough on Cheryl but if Seyesha can pull it off, she'll have bragging rights at least.
Camp Jason Castro - Kelly S. was the lone Castro-supporter and she's done well thus far. depending on how the finals shape up she could ride her dark horse to victory. The Swami says, "It will be all guys in the final 3 but don't expect to see Jason Castro in the finale."
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