4 weeks down and the field is narrowing, both on the show and in the pool. This week we said "Hello Dolly" and "goodbye Ramiele," as the contestants took on the Dolly Parton songbook. Now, with 8 contestants remaining, the cream is rising to the top and time is running out for the rest of the pack. Here's what's happening in IDOLand ...
David Cook is in a league of his own and there's plenty left in the tank. He seems to be effortlessly finding songs that are a perfect fit for him. ... I'm happy to say, without any sarcasm this time, that Michael Johns has returned to form and he managed to seem cool this week after a gradual slip into dorkdom. ... Syesha gave her least forgettable performance this week but it was far from a showstopper. She, Brooke, and Jason Castro have all been giving decent performances, but they need to find another gear if they want to compete and time is running out. ... Carly Smithson needs to decide who she is. Her look is very arty and mysterious but she sings like a pop star. If that's the road sh wants to take, Simon's right - she needs to start dressing the part. ... Does anyone else think David Archuleta might be a robot? His vocals were spot-on again this week but he seems absolutely emotionless onstage. I've can't remember him every saying anything besides "huh, huh, oh man, thank you, huh, oh man" and what's with the weird up-turned hand thing he does while he's singing? Ok, ok, I'll stop hating on the kid - at least until next week ... and finally ... Shut up, Brooke White. Quiet down. Seriously, stop talking.
Meanwhile, Jeff is proving he's the David Cook of this competition, going 4-for-4 this week and putting some distance between him and the rest of the pack. If Archuletta can win this thing he'll be tough to beat, but to go 5-for-5 he'll need Jason Castro out this week. The rest of us will hope that Kristy Lee Cook makes her long-overdue exit when the contestants take on "Inspirational Music." I'm not sure what that means but here's hoping somebody kisses Randy's ass with a little "Don't Stop Believing". Wilcz had another big week this week and carries a clean sheet into round 5 but Ramiele's exit was disaster for front-runner Amy A., who had the tiny Hawaiian in her final 3. Speaking of 3, Look for 3 girls in the bottom 3 again next week - and don't expect Carly Smithson to be one of them - so says the Swami!
Good luck to everyone next week and I'll see you in Dollywood!
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