Week 3, come and gone - taking with it, our beloved Chikeze and the IDOL Pool hopes of some of our players. I had to duck some conversation this week because I missed the Tuesday episode, but through the miracle of TiVo, I was able to binge on 3 hours of IDOL in one night. Right around the beginning of hour 3 I came to a realization ... I love them all. I really do. Even the ones I hate, I love because they're such good villains (I'm looking at you Archuletta!). It was a bit of a shocker to see Chikeze go this week, and with the playing field relatively level, the goodbyes are going to get tougher and tougher.
OK, enough pleasantries - let's get to some rapid-fire reviews!
Michael Johns got back on track, proving that he can stay in contention as long as he can come up with 9 more Queen songs. ... Raimiele was so-so, but avoided the bottom 3 yet again. I need her to stick around for another couple rounds so I'll say no more. ... Carly Smithson was the victim of some harsh judging despite sounding pretty good on a tough song in "Total Eclipse of the Heart." I suppose it evens out though, since we were all victims of her crimes against fashion Tuesday night. ... Seyesha gave another stellar performance singing Gladdys Night - enough to make you stand up and say, "meh, whatever". The girls can sing but she's chronically uninteresting. ... Jason Castro made his first appearance in the bottom 3 and it won't be his last. His John Mayer-ish vocals and Richie Victorino-esque good looks have got him this far, but his deep cut song choices aren't winning over any new fans. ... I think Chikeze genuinely likes these slow soul songs he keeps trying, but they're no good for his voice. Hopefully next week he'll get back to something more.. oh, sorry. ... Like Babe Ruth, pointing to the outfield wall, I called Simon's "themepark" shot against David Archuletta. Soon I'll be calling for the Muppet's early exit! ... I was kind of psyched to hear Brooke White take on the Police but it was pretty predictable. Her plateau will keep her safe for a while, but not forever. ... and then, there was Kristy Lee Cook ...
The only thing more offensive than schlocky commercialism is schlocky patriotism! iTunes commercial thinly disguised as a show segment on picking songs? Offensive. Always-awkward promos for IDOL Gives Back? Pretty offensive. Staying alive for one more week by busting out the Lee Greenwood? Priceless! I would think at least the Brit could muster up some venom for this cheap stunt without being a USA-hater, but even he played it safe. The only thing that could make me less "Proud to be an American" would be if K.L.C. stays around for one more week. ...
In the Pool, Jeff and Amy A. lead the pack, picking all of the first 3 eliminations and carrying no wrong answers into week 4. Wilcz is nipping at their heels but Chikeze's elimination can't be a good sign for guys with only one name. Things will get interesting in the coming weeks as picks everyone begin to differ through the middle rounds. Good luck to you all and to the contestants, who sing country music this week (for real this time) with Miss Dolly Parton.
Swami says: Jason Castro's brush with the bottom 3 will keep him safe this week, Michael Johns will taste the bottom 3, and a girl will be eliminated.
- IDOL Pool H.Q.